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Comprehensive Care for Women

Updates From Our Office

At Kessler Women’s Healthcare in Dallas, TX, we offer comprehensive obstetrical and gynecological care for patients of all ages and needs. Whether you’re seeking prenatal care, contraception, breast health exams, or anything in between—we have the experience and dedication you need! See our blog below for information and updates from our office!
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What should I do to optimize my health before trying to become pregnant?

If you are planning to become pregnant, be sure to take a prenatal vitamin daily and avoid alcohol and other substances, including tobacco. Set up an appointment with our office to review your prior medical conditions and any medications you are currently taking. You should try to optimize chronic medical conditions like blood pressure and diabetes in collaboration with your primary care doctor and Kessler OBGyn physician. Also, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise for a healthy weight, can improve pregnancy outcomes. Sometimes, though, pregnancy is a surprise, and we at Kessler Women’s Healthcare want to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible for you and your baby. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to discuss further if you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant.

How can I manage nausea in pregnancy?

Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is very common. There are some over-the-counter medications and vitamins (including B6 and ginger supplements) as well as dietary changes that can be effective in controlling nausea. Small, bland, frequent meals can help control symptoms as well. Excessive vomiting with dehydration, or losing weight, is not normal. Call our office today to schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss this further.

What birth control method is best for me?

There are many birth control options available. Ranging from daily pills to long-acting reversible methods like IUDs (intrauterine devices), your lifestyle and family planning goals can guide your decision to use one specific method. Certain medical conditions may affect what option is best for you. Call our office today to schedule an appointment with a doctor to explore your options.

How can I manage painful and heavy periods?

Menstrual periods vary in length, heaviness of flow, and painfulness. There is a normal range of variation, but some menstrual issues like excessive cramping or passing large clots are not normal. A menstrual cycle may not be pleasant, but it should not be debilitating. Luckily, there are medical treatments, and in certain cases surgical treatments, for these issues. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with a doctor to discuss your menstrual issues and see what options are available for treatment.

What does it mean to have an abnormal Pap smear or abnormal HPV testing?

A Pap smear detects cells that may be affected by infection or inflammation. The most common cause of an abnormal Pap smear is an HPV infection. Having an abnormal Pap smear happens to about 1 in every 20 women, and having a positive HPV test happens to about 1 in every 5 women. An abnormal Pap smear is not a diagnosis of cervical cancer, but may require further testing like a colposcopy exam (looking at the cervix through a high-powered camera for abnormal areas) or a cervical procedure like a LEEP or cone biopsy (removing part of the cervix that has abnormal cells). Pap smears and HPV tests are very important for the detection of precancerous cells and the prevention of cervical cancer. All women after age 21 should have this testing regularly. Call our office today to set up an appointment with your doctor to discuss this further.

What should I expect when going through menopause?

The menopausal transition looks different for every woman, but there are some common symptoms that you may experience. Menopause officially begins when the menstrual cycle has stopped for a full year. The average age for menopause to occur in the US is 51, but can range from mid-40s to mid-50s. Any bleeding after menopause has begun is not normal and should be evaluated by an ObGyn doctor. Hot flashes are one of the most talked about symptoms, but other symptoms can include difficulty sleeping, mood changes, and vaginal dryness. There are a variety of medical treatments available for bothersome symptoms that your doctor can offer, depending on your specific concerns and medical history. Call our office to schedule an appointment with a doctor to discuss this further.

How can I tell the difference between a UTI, yeast infection, or bacterial infection of the vagina?

This is one of the most common questions we get – unfortunately, there is no easy way to differentiate these infections without being seen. Luckily, we have several easy tests available to us to help us help you. Please call and speak to your doctor’s medical assistant, give her as much detail about your symptoms as possible, and she will advise you on whether you should be seen by your doctor, come in to just leave us a urine sample, or try something over the counter first. If you need to be seen, she will help to get you in to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What are some good books to read if I am pregnant or considering pregnancy?

There’s a lot of information out there, but we like a couple of books in particular. One is an oldie, but a goodie…What to Expect When You Are Expecting. The other series is the 411 series (Expecting 411, Baby 411, and Toddler 411). These books will help you successfully conquer pregnancy, delivery, and the first few years of your child’s life!

What is a good resource to prepare me for the changes associated with menopause?

The Menopause Manifesto by Jen Gunter. While we talk a whole lot about the transition of puberty with our teenagers, menopause somehow gets left in the shadows. Dr. Gunter is an OBGyn who does an excellent job in this book, giving scientifically sound advice for the menopause transition.

In today’s world, how can I help to protect my (and my family’s) rights to making decisions about my body with my doctor?

VOTE. Every election, every time. No excuses.. Unfortunately, politicians who have no medical education are making medical decisions via law for all of us. They are in our healthcare, so it’s time to get in their politics.

When should I start a prenatal vitamin?

Ideally, you would start a prenatal vitamin years before getting pregnant. The longer you are on it before getting pregnant, the lower your risk of preterm birth and some birth defects. But, if that’s not possible, then definitely start as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Do not wait for your first appointment with your doctor! Just make sure your over-the-counter pill has DHA or fish oil and folic acid and start taking it right away.

What vaccinations should I get before or during pregnancy?

In general, it is a good idea to be up to date on all of your vaccinations before considering pregnancy. During your pregnancy, it is recommended that you are up to date and/or receive several vaccinations not only for your health, but also to boost your baby’s immunity prior to delivery. Pregnancy itself puts the pregnant person at increased risk for severe disease and hospitalization as well as preterm labor if infected with the flu or COVID-19. For this reason, we recommend flu vaccination during flu season and staying up to date on recommended COVID-19 vaccinations/boosters, EVEN WHILE PREGNANT. They are safe to receive during pregnancy. In addition, every pregnant person should receive a Tdap vaccine to help protect their baby from Pertussis or Whooping Cough. Everyone who will be around your newborn should be up to date on all vaccines to prevent transmission to your baby– that means siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. Many of these vaccines can be received for no or little cost at any pharmacy.

Can I exercise while I’m pregnant?

Yes! It is important to stay active while you are pregnant. Even if you haven’t made exercise a part of your routine outside of pregnancy, it is a great time to start. Regular aerobic exercise for 30 minutes five times per week is recommended. This would include brisk walking, jogging, Zumba, swimming, or cycling. Activities to avoid include heavy lifting and contact sports like boxing or football. Of course, always listen to your body and if an activity doesn’t feel comfortable don’t do it. Call our office to schedule an appointment to speak with your doctor today.

Can I eat seafood when I’m pregnant?

When pregnant, certain seafood should be avoided, but others are encouraged. Pregnant women should not eat seafood that is high in mercury including: king mackerel, marlin, swordfish, shark, tilefish, orange roughy, or bigeye tuna. But, two or three servings per week of seafood that is low in mercury is actually recommended during pregnancy for the protein and omega-3 fatty acids that can support a baby’s nervous system development. These seafood choices are safe in pregnancy as long as they are thoroughly cooked: light canned tuna, salmon, shrimp, tilapia, trout, catfish, cod, herring, pollock, sardines, and anchovies. Limit white (or “albacore”) tuna to 6 ounces per week. Do not eat raw fish and shellfish. Call our office today to discuss other dietary recommendations in pregnancy with your doctor.

What over the counter medications are ok to take in pregnancy?

There are several medications that are ok to take in pregnancy without consulting your doctor. Always take medications as directed on the product label unless instructed otherwise.

  • Headaches, minor pains, fever: Tylenol or extra strength Tylenol (acetaminophen), do not take aspirin, and avoid ibuprofen if possible especially in the last two months of pregnancy
  • Nausea: unisom and vitamin B6
  • Sore throat: over the counter lozenges (however be sure to contact your doctor’s office for COVID testing if you are concerned about a COVID infection)
  • Constipation: Metamucil, colace, or milk of magnesia
  • Heartburn: maalox, tums, rolaids
  • Cough: robitussin (as above, be sure to contact your doctor if you are concerned about a COVID infection)
  • Hemorrhoids: preparation H, colace
    Allergies/itching: Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin

Is it normal to feel down after having my baby?

It is very common for women to experience the “postpartum blues” after delivery. In fact, the majority of women have the postpartum blues. This condition usually lasts 1-2 weeks after delivery and is characterized by feeling tearful, emotional, and overwhelmed. If your symptoms are getting worse or not going away after a couple of weeks, you might be suffering from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a more serious condition that needs to be addressed with your healthcare provider. Some symptoms of postpartum depression include withdrawing from your partner or baby, anxiety that prevents normal sleeping or eating, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, among others. Any thoughts of harming yourself or others should be addressed immediately with a healthcare provider. There are treatments available for postpartum depression including counseling and medications. Call our office to schedule an appointment to discuss further with your doctor.

I am having trouble breastfeeding, where can I seek help?

Breastfeeding is difficult, but at Kessler Women’s Health we want to support your efforts to breastfeed! If you are having trouble breastfeeding, we offer breastfeeding classes, which your doctor can tell you more about and schedule you to attend. There are also lactation consultants in the hospital that will work with you after your delivery to support breastfeeding. Many pediatrician offices also have breastfeeding support resources and lactation consultants. Dr Patton also does postpartum lactation consulting in the office. Call and speak to your medical assistant about getting on her schedule!

My pelvic pain affects my daily life. How can I get help?

Pelvic pain can be experienced in many different ways. Some women have pelvic pain in a specific area, and others experience pain throughout the entire lower abdomen. Pain can be acute or chronic and constant or intermittent. Sometimes pain is present before, during, or after periods, or only during intercourse. Pain can be associated with urination or bowel movements. There are many possible causes of pelvic pain. Different examinations and diagnostic tests can be performed to diagnose the cause of your pelvic pain and try to find the right treatment for you. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to discuss your pelvic pain with our doctors.

When do I need to start breast cancer screening?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends starting mammogram screening at age 40. A mammogram is a breast cancer screening technique that uses X-ray to evaluate the breast tissue. Depending on your family history and risk factors, screening may be recommended earlier. Breast self-awareness is also an important component of breast health at all ages. Every woman should be familiar with her breasts and their normal appearance and feel. If you notice something abnormal about your breasts, tell your doctor so that you can be appropriately evaluated. Schedule an appointment with our office today to discuss further with your doctor.

What is cervical cancer screening and when do I need to start?

Cervical cancer screening should start at age 21. Pap smears have historically been the screening technique for the detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Pap smear screening has dramatically reduced the incidence of cervical cancer and is considered the most successful cancer screening method. Pap smears can be performed every 3-5 years depending on your personal history. Recently, HPV testing has been incorporated into cervical cancer screening and is replacing Pap smear screening in some situations. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to discuss what you need for cervical cancer screening.



Register To Vote!

Register To Vote!

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This Week Kessler Women’s Healthcare Welcomes Back Dr. Patton!

This Week Kessler Women’s Healthcare Welcomes Back Dr. Patton!

This week Kessler Women’s Healthcare welcomes back Dr Patton!  She and her family visited DisneyWorld over the holiday and she, unfortunately, brought back her first COVID infection (Thanks, Mickey!).  Thankfully, she was up to date on her vaccinations and she was...

75th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

75th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Period Equality

Period Equality

Period equity is a big issue for menstruating people worldwide, but also, apparently, a problem right here at home. See how DISD is trying to help, where its shortcomings are and why Dr. Patton believes it's such a big issue in this article by The Dallas Free Press....

It’s That Time of the Year… Cold and Flu Season!

It’s That Time of the Year… Cold and Flu Season!

There are a variety of vaccines available this year to help prevent infection for you and your family. Seasonally updated COVID and flu vaccines are recommended for all children over the age of 6 and adults, especially pregnant persons, those who are elderly, and...

Kessler Women’s Practice is Growing!

Kessler Women’s Practice is Growing!

Please give a warm welcome to our newest provider, Reena Patel, PA. Reena is a Physician Assistant here to serve and provide her passion for women’s health and nutrition. Reena will provide comprehensive medical care for all patients. Call and make your appointment...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! There will still be providers working the week of Thanksgiving to be sure your medical needs are met. We will be open on Monday 11/20 until 2pm and Tuesday 11/21 from 7am-6p. We will close at noon on Wednesday 11/22 and reopen Friday 11/24 at 7am...

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Congratulations to Methodist Dallas Medical Center!

Congratulations to Methodist Dallas Medical Center!

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For more information about our obstetric and gynecological services, please contact us at 214-941-7200 today!

Kessler Women's Healthcare, P.A.
1330 N Beckley Ave
Dallas, TX 75203

Monday 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Tuesday 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Wednesday 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Thursday 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Friday 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday Closed