Happy National Women’s Health Week!


For us at Kessler Women’s Healthcare, every week is women’s health week.  But of course, we will also accept a national week of awareness! We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of prioritizing women’s health.


Women’s health includes a broad array of topics across the entire lifespan.  From the first menstrual period through menopause, people with a uterus and ovaries and mammary glands should follow certain preventative screening recommendations that can keep them healthy.


These screening exams include pelvic exams, breast exams, pap smears, HPV testing, and mammograms.  Some patient’s family history will also qualify them for more frequent or different types of screening exams which your doctor at KWH can discuss with you.


The frequency for repeating screening exams is recommended by national guidelines and sometimes these guidelines change–but your doctor at Kessler will know what the right frequency for you is, so be sure to ask.


Women’s health also includes reproductive potential.  For some patients this means exploring ways to prevent pregnancy.  For some patients this means exploring ways to plan and achieve pregnancy.  And for others, this means establishing care for a current pregnancy to ensure the healthiest outcome for mom and baby.  We would love to partner with you to achieve your reproductive goals.


And last but not least, women’s health is OVERALL health…heart health, mental health, dietary health, and more.  All of these things are important to us at KWH.  We can get you started with general health screening labs and get you plugged into resources for optimizing health and wellbeing.


So, join us in celebrating National Women’s Health Week by giving us a call and prioritizing your health today.  Tell a friend or sibling or co-worker that it’s National Women’s Health Week and encourage them to get up to date on health prevention and screening.  We’re looking forward to meeting you.

–Dr. Leslie Johnson