As we close out Black History Month I want to recognize and honor a few of the important Granny Midwives in our nation’s history.
Black Women are so often overlooked for their roles in history. For many black pregnant patients Granny Midwives were their best source of compassionate, skilled care during their pregnancy, labor and delivery.
This article describes the 5 pioneer women pictured here.
1-Maude Callen
2-Onnie Lee Logan
3-Mary Francis Hill Coley
4-Bridget “Biddy” Mason
5-Margaret Charles Smith
May we never forget the contribution these women made to our field and woeful lack of respect they encountered outside of their community during their lifetimes.
Today as we discuss the maternal care discrepancies in patients of color, let us center those patients who are most impacted.
– Theresa Patton, MD